
GDPR Statement:

The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), enforceable as of May 25, 2018, imposes additional requirements upon companies to enhance the protection of personal data of EU residents. Kids Dashboard has a dedicated, core-functional team overseeing Kids Dashboard’s GDPR readiness. We discuss our efforts and commitment to GDPR below.

Kids Dashboard’s Commitment to General Data Protection Regulation:

GDPR regulates the governance of personal data for European Union citizens with a prominence on Data security and Data privacy. The GDPR not only apply to companies that operate in the European Union (EU) but it will also impact companies operating outside of the EU, if they process any personal data of any of its customers in the EU. Kids Dashboard has established its Information security and Data privacy principles to protect the privacy and information rights of its Customers. We are strenuously committed to GDPR compliance.